Are You Ready for a Dental Cleaning?

Do you have a dental check-up soon? The average dental patient will need to attend these types of appointments at their dentist’s office twice per year. Whether you schedule a visit at your usual dental practice or intend to meet with a new dentist, you can experience a more streamlined and efficient appointment when you make preparations before your arrival.

Though you likely know what to expect during a dental cleaning and oral exam, you may want to know what to do at home to make this appointment go more smoothly. Find three tips to consider that will ensure you feel ready and confident before your next routine dental appointment.

Are You Ready for a Dental Cleaning

Complete Your Usual Oral Hygiene Routine

During a dental check-up, your dentist will perform a professional teeth cleaning. The dentist will scrape plaque, tartar, and other residues from your teeth from areas your toothbrush alone has trouble reaching. This dental cleaning is a crucial step in your oral hygiene and preventative oral healthcare.

Even though your dentist will clean your teeth, you should still brush and floss your teeth as you normally would before you head to your appointment. Adhering to your usual regimen will make the professional cleaning easier for both you and your dentist. They can focus more on problem areas on your smile, saving you time in the dentist’s chair.

You might feel tempted to brush and floss with more vigor in an effort to impress the dentist. But you should not do this. Harsh brushing and flossing can irritate the gum tissue and tooth enamel, putting your oral health at risk. Use your usual oral hygiene techniques for best results.

Consider Your Comfort Levels

If you feel nervous about your upcoming dental appointment, you are not alone. About 20% of dental patients experience a fear of the dentist, but your dentist has training that can ensure you feel relaxed in their care. This will make your experience more positive and also help your dentist more easily get you the care that you need.

Before your appointment, take note of any stress or worries you have. Try deep breathing exercises that can help you feel calm prior to heading to the dentist’s office. You might also feel more relaxed if you bring headphones and relaxing music with you.

Communicate any fears to your dentist as well so that they can help you. They may recommend sedation dentistry, a type of medicine that can induce calm feelings during dental work.

Bring All Dental Materials to Your Appointment

Prior to leaving your house and going to your dentist’s office, bring any relevant items with you. For instance, the staff will want to confirm your dental insurance details, so bring this information or your card to the appointment. This will help you avoid delays or confusion upon your arrival at the office.

If you have any oral appliances, such as dentures or Invisalign, bring them to your appointment too. Your dentist will want to examine these devices as well as your smile during their evaluation. This way, they can confirm they function as well as they should. Forgetting these appliances may mean you miss out on some crucial preventative care.